Thursday, May 21, 2009

NBA finals

Who do think is gonna take it all.

LA Lakers, Orlando Magic, Cleavland or Denver?

My team Boston Celtics are out so I would go with the LA lakers

Who's your team and why?

New York city black car industry drivers.

I interviewed Ken form my work place Valera global.
Valera Global is a limo company operating out of Long Island City, Queens.
Ken had been a driver for 5 years, he was offered a positing in customer relations and chauffeur training. He has been working in the office for the past 2 years.

1) What are the major changes that you have seen in the attitudes and behaviors of the chauffeurs, since the economy has changed?

2) What effects do you think the current economy has on the black car industry?

3) Which job position takes a greater toll on you, being a driver or working in the office?

4) Which job position affected the relations with your family the most and how?

5) which job position did you enjoy more and why?

My focus is on emotional and physical labor also status. I know its allot but i can't help it

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Our Kicks

I love sports, I love sneakers all kinds of sneakers. I know I'm not the only one, almost everyone at school owns a pair or two. Just like the film Mardi Gras Made in China we have a simular situation. Sneaker sweat shop workers, in foreign countries make very little money and work in horrible conditions. This is just another way we are connected to the issues seen in the Mardi Gras film and in the book Love and Gold.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


This song by reggae artist Barrington Levy, sings about the importance of work. He tell that everyone should have a job and work hard at it. He speaks to the youth telling them, that being idle and not doing anything with their live will have consequences. There is a verse that says " need to have some ambition keep your spirit alive, don't go making excuses just get out there and try." Sometimes I just dont feel like working, this some encourages me and let me know that the results of work are sweet. Check it out